Early treatment can correct a child’s feet before their first steps.

Get involved

Your unwavering commitment to helping children in need aligns seamlessly with the mission of Clubfoot Care for Kenya. We value and resonate deeply with your passion. Explore a multitude of opportunities to engage with us, extending far beyond financial support. These dynamic avenues empower you to join hands with us in liberating children from the burden of clubfoot, while fostering their lasting hope in Christ


Your heart is moved to pray for these children, and that is a powerful force. Your prayers have the potential to bring about incredible transformation in their lives. We invite you to join us in lifting these children and families up in prayer, asking for strength, healing, and hope. Your prayers are a vital part of our mission at Clubfoot Care for Kenya (CCK), and we are grateful for your support in this way. 

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Join us in spreading the message of hope! Connect with Clubfoot Care for Kenya (CCK) on social media. Give us a like, share our posts, and let your friends know that clubfoot is treatable. Together, we can create waves of change and inspire others to join the cause. Your support is invaluable. Thank you for being a beacon of hope for children and families affected by clubfoot.

A treatable condition shouldn’t keep a child from walking